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Translation of Pilot Manual (Operation Manual) and Aircraft Flight Manual of Learjet 60XR

Time: 2011-05-25 14:39Source: Blue Sky Flight Translation writer: Aviation Count: times

Take on the translation of Bombardier Learjet 60XR Business Jet Pilot’s Manual (Operation Manual) and Airplane Flight Manual of a certain General Airlines.
Airplane Flight Manual: must be equipped onboard, covering limitations, normal procedures, emergency procedures, abnormal procedures, weight and balance data, etc.
      PILOT’S MANUAL:Pilot’s Manual(Operation Manual)is supplementary to Airplane Flight Manual. This Pilot’s Manual provides information supplemental to the Learjet 60XR FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual. In the event any information herein conflicts with information in the FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual, the FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual shall take precedence.
To appreciate the customers’ confidence in BlueSky Flight Translation Co. Ltd., we will make persistent efforts to supply still excellent aviation manual translations to our clients.