Time: 2012-02-27 13:08Source: Blue Sky Flight Translation writer: Aviation Count: times
Now, take on the translation of Boeing 777 Minimum Equipment List (MEL) of a certain large state airlines.
MEL Manual covers the following:
Chapter Systems
21 Air Condition
22 Automatic Flight
23 Communication
24 Electricity
25 Equipment Furnishing
26 Fire Protection
27 Flight Control
28 Fuel
29 Hydraulic Pressure
30 Anti-ice/Rain Repelling
31 Indication/Recording System
32 Landing Gears
33 Lighting
34 Navigation
35 Oxygen
36 Pneumatic
38 Purified Water/Grey Water
45 Center Maintenance Computer
46 Information System
47 Inert Gas System
49 Airborne Auxiliary Power Unit
52 Doors